Jumat, 14 Desember 2007

Seni Budaya
Artikel art main: the Indonesia

the kind Culture art in Indonesia often was influenced by some culture.
The Javanese dance and Bali that were famous, for example, contained aspects of culture and mitologi Hindu.
Quite a lot of containing dance art the Islam values.
Several of the him could be found in the Sumatran area like the Saman Meusukat dance and the Seudati Dance from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.
Moreover that was famous enough in the world to be the skin puppet that put forward stories about the mythological incident.
Quatrain art, gurindam, et cetera from various areas as the Malay quatrain, and other quatrains were often utilised in the certain agendas that is the pretext, the art stage, et cetera.
In the field of the fashion of the cultural inheritance that was famous all over the world was batik diligence.
Several famous areas would the batik industry covered Yogyakarta, Solo, but also Pekalongan.
This batik diligence was then copied by Malaysia with his batik industry.
The original Indonesian fashion from Sabang to Merauke other could be recognised from his characteristics that were imposed in each area in part:

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